When undertaking an outcross, it is best
to know, the blood group of both cats.
In cats, there are 3 blood groups, A, B, and AB. Blood group A is dominant to blood
group Ab and B,
and Ab is recessive to blood group A, but dominant to B. Blood group A (dominant)
produces no
antibodies, or very weak ones, to blood group B. Blood group AB cats produce
no antibodies,
against either of the other blood groups. Blood group B produces powerful antibodies
to blood group A,
and these anti-A antibodies can cause serious problems.

Cornish Rex x Lilac Colourpoint British Shorthair. Photograph taken days before the queen gave birth to 1 black male, and 3 red females. Kittens' photos above.
Burmese, Orientals, Russian Blues, Siamese are exclusively type 'A', and approximately 60% of British Shorthair are group 'B'.
 If you are planning to breed from your blood group 'B' queen,
the stud's blood group, is very important. A blood group 'B' queen mated to
a blood group 'B' stud, will only produce blood group 'B' kittens, and there
is no risk of incompatibility. However if a blood group 'A' stud, is mated to a
blood group 'B' queen, the possibility of the queen giving birth to blood group 'A'
kittens exists. All of these kittens are at risk of developing
Isoerethrolysis, if allowed to suckle from their mum, in their first 24 hours
of life.
Fortunately, the kittens are only at risk, from the effects of the maternal antibodies,
for about their first 16-24 hours of life. Then the kittens gut lining becomes impermeable, and the maternal antibodies are unable to pass across it, into their blood stream, and cause damage. It is then safe for blood group A kittens, to be returned to feed from their blood group 'B' mum.
Recent research suggests that the critical period, for keeping kittens, from their mum
may be
as little as 16 hours. To be on the safe side, it is advisable to keep them away 24 hours.
For professional advice on blood groups, and ways of keeping your kittens safe from
Isoerethrolysis, please visit Dr. Diane Addie's site.
Feline Blood Groups
Information on A and B Blood groups, a must for anyone about to undertake outcrossing.
Written by Dr. Diane Addie, who is based at Glasgow University.
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