All about LaPerm Cats, LaPerm history,
plus photos of LaPerm Cats and LaPerm kittens.
Below links to LaPerm Breeders and photos of LaPerm Cats and Kittens.
UK LaPerms Website
LaPerm Show News

LaPerm Qualifers
Brilliant news at the RCC show on the 7th November 2005, the 15th LaPerm has won their 3rd IC and is now a qualifier.
These 15 qualified LaPerms, make up the number which is needed for the breed to move forward to the next stage, of being recognised, by the GCCF!!
Well done everyone
LaPerm Breed Description
Below Quincunx Banshee, first LaPerm kitten to be born in the UK. Odd eye cream and white, van patterned longhair LaPerm - breeder Anthony Nichols.
LaPerms are gentle, affectionate, and have very inquisitive natures always wanting to know what is going on around them, and like to be involved in everything.
LaPerms are not very vocal, but will soon let their owner know, when their food dishes are empty, they also enjoy being held, or drapped over shoulders.
LaPerm adult males 7 to 9 pounds, LaPerm adult females 5 to 7 pounds.
LaPerms GCCF permitted Outcross Breeds
A wide range of breeds has been permitted, for outcrossing of LaPerms in the UK, to establish a large healthy gene pool.
Breeds involved are Abyssinian, Asian Shorthair, Balinese, Burmese (European Burmese if imported cats), Ocicat, Oriental Short Hair, Oriental Long Hair (Angora), Tiffanie, Siamese, Somali, plus variants of these breeds.
Non-approved, are all other breeds of cats.
Just recently LaPerms have been promoted to prelimary status, and 2 LaPerm male kittens gained their IC at a GCCF licenced show. They are Ballego Grandmasterflash owner/breeder June Giles, and Crearwy Madog ap windfire, owned by June Giles and bred by Corrine Judkins
The future is looking very good for this delightful new curly breed.
First LaPerm to enter the country, on a pet passport.
Uluru BC Omaste Po of Quincunx "Sunshine through the Mist" -
Omaste a Lilac Tortie and White Long Hair LaPerm, was the first LaPerm imported into the UK, by Anthony Nicols, and entered the country on a PETS passport.
Omaste had been mated to Woodlandacre BC Windfire of Crearwy, before arriving in the UK and in June 2002, shortly after arriving she gave birth to the UK’s first litter of LaPerms. This litter consisted of 5 kittens, 4 curlies and 1 straight coated, photo left.
LaPerms GCCF Standard of Points
General Description:
The LaPerm results from a naturally occurring dominant genetic mutation, producing both long and shorthaired curly-coated cats. They are medium-sized with a moderate foreign body type, well balanced overall and should feel surprisingly heavy for their size. The LaPerm should look alert, and seem to be walking high on its legs. Coat texture will be distinctly different to that of any other Rex mutation. The perfect cat will have a moderately soft, but textured coat that will be loose and bouncy, standing away from the body. You should be able to run your fingers through the coat to the skin. It should not be too thick and heavy. Females may have a frizzier coat. All colours are acceptable.
Shape - Modified wedge with slightly rounded, gentle contours. Whisker pads should appear full and rounded. Allowances should be made for jowls on mature males.
Profile - Straight nose with gentle convex curve rising from the base of the eye to the top of the eye. Forehead should be a flat plane to the top of head, then smooth gentle curve back over top of head flowing down into neck. The brow, cheeks and profile should show gentle contours, with each flowing smoothly into the next.
Muzzle - Slightly broad in proportion to the wedge. Strong, firm chin. Moderate whisker break.
Nose - Broad and straight with moderate length, gentle nose break but no stop.
Placed to continue the modified wedge of the head; slightly flared and cupped; medium to large with furnishings and earmuffs. Tufts at the ear tips are desirable.
Medium large and expressive. Almond shaped at rest and rounder when alert. Set moderately far apart and slightly slanted to the bottom of the outside ear base. Eye colour has no relation to coat colour.
Medium in size, moderate foreign type, well muscled, medium fine boning but not light.
Neck - Carried erect. Medium long in proportion to body length.
Legs - Medium long to match the body. Forelegs may be slightly shorter than hind legs. Boning is medium. Rounded feet.
In proportion to body. Longhaired LaPerms will have a full plumed tail while Shorthaired LaPerms will have "bottle brush" tail. The tail will be thicker at the base and taper toward the tip.
Longhair - Coat length medium-long; both males and females may have ruff on neck at maturity. The tail is plumed with some curling. Whiskers will be very long and curly, ear furnishings and eyebrow hairs may also curl.
Texture - Curly or wavy, curly is preferred. The feel to the touch is unique among Rex breeds. The coat has a springy, textured feel. It should not feel harsh or wiry. The degree of softness may vary among individual cats. The coat should be loose and bouncy and should stand away from the body with minimal undercoat. The coat is light and airy enough to part with a breath and you should be able to run your fingers through it to the skin. The coat may have an almost unkempt appearance but must be free of matting. Longest and tightest curls are on the neck, ruff and base of ear. The coat may vary in length and fullness according to the season and maturity of the cat. At times the coat will part naturally down the middle of the back.
Shorthair - Coat length short to medium. The tail is not plumed but hair may be wavy. Whiskers will be long and curly, ear furnishings and eyebrow hairs may also curl.
Texture - Curly or wavy. The feel to the touch is unique among Rex breeds. It is a textured feel. It should not feel harsh or wiry. The degree of softness may vary among individual cats. The coat has a springy texture, standing away from the body with waves over most of the cat. There is no ruff or ringlets and the tail will be like a bottle-brush. At times the coat will part naturally down the middle of the back.
Colours - All coat colours, patterns and colour combinations are acceptable, including any white markings on any coat pattern.

LaPerm Outcrossing:
Breeds which have been approved for use in LaPerm outcrossing are, Somali, Abyssinian, Asian Shorthair, Burmese (European Burmese in the case of imported cats), Tiffanies, Tonkinese, Ocicat, Oriental SH, Oriental LH (Angora), Siamese and Balinese plus variants of these breeds.
Additionally, unregistered domestic longhair and shorthair and their registered progeny are permitted in the pedigrees of cats registered (either with GCCF or with another bona fide registering organisation) prior to 23rd June 2004, and those of their descendants.
All other breeds are listed as non-approved.
HEAD 15 points
EARS 10 points
EYES 10 points
TAIL 5 points
COAT 35 points
Withhold certificates, or first prizes in kitten open classes, for:
1. Straight coat
2. Round head
3. Flat face
4. Cobby body
5. Any other defect as listed in the preface of the SOP booklet
Pronounced nose stop
Small ears
Muzzle too pointed/narrow
Lack of firm muscle
Bare patches
Thick, heavy coat
Short whiskers (with allowances for kittens)
Lack of ear furnishings in Longhairs

Mum with Tabby Tortie point female, and Brown Tabby and White male
Tortie Tabby Point LaPerm with Chocolate Tortie Variant sister
Brown Tabby Variant male and Brown Tabby and White LaPerm brother
LaPerm Breeders
Any LaPerm breeder who would like their cattery included please, send details to
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